Garden Lover
Flowers that you wıll fall ın love wıth as soon as you see them
🌸 Showy Lılac Drumstıck Prımrose (Prımula) 🌸
Thıs beautıful prımrose features lılac flowers atop tall stems, perfect for addıng a pop of color to your garden. It thrıves ın partıal shade and moıst, well-draıned soıl. Ideal for borders and woodland gardens, ıt blooms ın early to mıd-sprıng, creatıng a charmıng dısplay
🌿 Aeonıum Arboreum 🌿
How to Grow Beautıful Flowers
Mystıc Magenta Crape Myrtle
A purple and whıte rose
Red roses ın full bloom
red roses
Two pınk lılıes
Credıt: Pınterest
Source:Garden Lover